Pärnu KV, Viro 6.7.2014

Guido Vandoni, Italia

Pennut, urokset
Rosone’s Vino Vermentino PEK 1 KP VSP-pentu
(Orange Pips Codename Kyril x Rosone’s Retro Regina)

Pennut, martut
Farlanders Deluxe Disney Edition PEK 1 KP ROP-pentu
(Farlanders Against All Storms x Aittakankaan Afshar Farlanders)
Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia PEK 2 KP
(Orange Pips Codename Kyril x Rosone’s Retro Regina)

PU1 Orange Pips Codename Kyril VAL ERI 1 SA CACIB VSP
(Senjisfinx Erebor x Orange Pips African Violet)
PU2 Farlanders Against All Storms VAL ERI 2 SA VACA
(Bulldobas Cream And Sugar x Faraoland Viking Idun)
PU3 Fogo Itury Puzzle Itapuca NUO ERI 1 SA SERT
(Kazor’s Take Me All The Way x Dama de Vermelho Itapuca)
PU4 Itury Puzzle Azerbaijan AVO ERI 1 SA
(Master Allen Congo Itapuca x America’s Polyarnogo Sozvezdiya)

PN1 Itury Puzzle Yagodka VAL ERI 1 SA SERT CACIB ROP
(Master Allen Congo Itapuca x Itury Puzzle Adebanke Aza Ashanti)
PN2 Farlanders Can I Be The One NUO ERI 1 SA VACA
(Kimwitu’s Duke E. x Faraoland Viking Idun)
PN3 Afrikanskiy Molchun Hitraya Lisa AVO ERI 1 SA
(Mount Takoma Afrikanskiy Molchun x Russkiy Karambol’ Avrora Baby Doll)
PN4 Tim Spirit Galaxy VAL ERI 2 SA
(Tim Spirit New Age x Tim Spirit Sarasvati)

Avoin luokka
Crystal Javelin Norby Cuba AVO ERI 2 SA
(Congaro’s Kenya See Me Now x Crystal Javelin Geisha Shaury)

Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard VAL ERI 3 SA
(Kimwitu’s Duke E. x Safeguard’s Dora Bulldobas)
Evonty Vision Of Love VAL ERI 4
(Eldorado N Terrarust Whirlwind x Evonty Lubaya Zainabu)