Harju, Viro 11.9.2011

Olga Kozhevnikova, Venäjä

Pennut, urokset
Farlanders Against All Storms PEK 1 KP ROP-pentu
(Bulldobas Cream And Sugar x Faraoland Viking Idun)

PU1 Solebas Button Of Happiness NUO ERI 1 SERT ROP
(Bulldobas Catch The Wind x Strong Stael Dea Angella)

PN1 Orange Pips African Violet VAL ERI 1 SERT EE MVA VSP
(Don Ekado x Ikelas Dafina)

Nuorten luokka
Aittakankaan Afshar Farlanders NUO EH 1
(Faroland Xcuse Me Desmond x Liljeborg’s Dan Galina Of Phoebus)