Pennut, urokset
Second Soul’s Classic Kitsune PEK 1 KP VSP-pentu
(Bushwacker Maximum Power x Nature’s Masterpiece Kiss From A Rose)
8 months old. Good in type. Correct head. Enough front. Still slightly open in elbows. Good on ribcage and topline. Excellent tailcarriage. Good movement and conditions.
Second Soul’s Classic Hurricane PEK 2 KP
(Bushwacker Maximum Power x Nature’s Masterpiece Kiss From A Rose)
8 months old. Good in type. Correct head. Correct front. Enough correct topline. Still soft in back. Correct tail. Correct angulations. Lovely temperament and conditions.
Hi-Lite Quite Something PEK 3
(Hi-Lite Fame And Fortune x Hi-Lite Because I’m Worth It)
Good in type. Correct head. Good expression. At the moment 1 missplaced canine. Correct front. Good ribcage and withers and topline. Needs better tailcarriage and placement. Correct angulations. Excellent on movements. Very showy puppy but needs to develop out from the mistakes.
Pennut, nartut
Hanishan Black Swan’s Swag PEK 1 KP ROP-pentu
(Hi-Lite Beluga x Hanishan Two Decades ’Til Wowwee-Tri)
7 months. Excellent in type. Correct feminine head. Good expression. Correct proportions. Good ribcage and tailcarriage. Excellent in movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.
Ajibu Unforgettable You PEK 2
(Jokuba-Aisa’s The Reign Of Freedom x Ajibu Quietly Bonkers)
8 months old. Good in type. Correct feminine head. Correct front. Good ribcage. Short back. Correct angulations. Enough correct movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.
Second Soul’s Classic Red Rose PEK 3
(Bushwacker Maximum Power x Nature’s Masterpiece Kiss From A Rose)
8,5 monhts old. Enough strong muzzle. Correct expression. Quite narrow in front and loose in elbows. Good ribcage. Soft back. At the moment topline is rising. Good tailcarriage and angulations. Lovely temperament and conditions.
PU1 Hi-Lite Beluga VAL ERI 1 SA ROP
(Doberguard’s Black Strong Mocca x Hi-Lite Rumour Has It)
3 years old. Excellent in type. Correct head. Good expression. Excellent ribcage and topline. Good movement, temperament and conditions.
PU2 Focus-Pocus Mysterious Talisman JUN ERI 1 SA JUN SERT VSP-juniori
(Winner Time Just For Mysterious Talisman x Olliolli Mysterious Talisman)
1 year old. Good in type and size. Masculine head. Good expression. Correct front, ribcage, topline and tailcarriage. Correct in movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.
PU3 Solebas Q On Päike AVO ERI 1 SA SERT
(All Square Dat Donat Dedicat x Solebas Felicity Feeling)
Good in type. Strong masculine head. Good front and feet. Correct ribcage, topline and tailcarriage. Needs more fluent movement. Good temperament. Good condition.
PN1 Evonty Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me JUN ERI 1 SA JUN SERT ROP- ja BIS4-juniori VSP FI JMVA
(Eldorado N Akuaba Don’t Go Breaking My Heart x Evonty Energy Of Sun Light)
Excellent in type. Lovely feminine head. Good expression. Correct front, ribcage, topline and angulations. Good tailcarriage. Correct movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.
PN2 Congo Line Fun Of The Fair AVO ERI 1 SA SERT FI MVA
(All Square Dat Donat Dedicat x Congo Line Doro Gaya)
Excellent in type. Good feminine head and expression. Excellent front. Good ribcage, topline and tailcarriage. Correct rear angulations. Correct in movement. Excellent temperament and conditions.
PN3 Hi-Lite Because I’m Worth It VAL ERI 1 SA
(Doberguard’s Black Strong Mocca x Hi-Lite Rumour Has It)
3,5 years old. Correct head. Enough correct expression. Good front. Enough correct feet. Slightly short neck. Good ribcage and topline. Enough correct tailcarriage. Typical angulations. Slightly heavy condition. Needs more stability in front movement. Lovely temperament.
PN4 Bulldobas Crown Jewel VET ERI 1 SA VET SERT ROP-veteraani
(Bulldobas Finnish Flutesong x Afrikenji Hot Sumabreeze)
Almost 15 years old. Good in type. Excellent condition. Correct head. Good front, ribcage and topline. Correct tailcarriage and angulations. Excellent in movement for the age. Lovely temperament and conditions.
Nuorten luokka
Bulldobas You Got It Babe NUO ERI 1 SA
(Bubbling Under Bollinger x Bulldobas Francesca)
18 monhts old. Good in type. Lovely head. Good ribcage and topline. Correct tailcarriage. Enough stability on movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.
Hanishan Caramel Lust’n’ Sugar Dust NUO ERI 2
(Hanishan Bowwow Wow x Hanishan Fun Factory)
19 monhts old. Good in type. Slightly narrow and open in elbows. Correct feminine head. Good expression. Good ribcage and topline. Correct tailcarriage. Excellent in movement. Lovely temperament and conditions.