Vejen KV, Tanska 16.6.2024

Zeferino Jose Cardoso Silva, Portugali

Pennut, nartut 5-7 kk
Into Lightning Lunar Eclipse PEK 1 KP ROP-pentu
(Into Lightning Timespace x Into Lightning Sian)
good type, good head, excellent scull and position of ears, goo dneck, sufficent topline and front angulaiton, good chest, excelletn rear angulation, front movement could be better

PU1 Madesa Top Shot VAL ERI 1 SA CACIB ROP
excellent type and construction, excellent head, scull with good wrinkles, good position of the ears, good muzzle, excellent neck, good topline, good straight front, excellent angultions and chest, moves free
PU2 Black Forest Goblins From Dusk Till Dawn VAL ERI 1 SA SERT VACA
excellent head, good neck, good topline, good angulations excellent chest, moves well
PU3 Glowing Sirius Origami Way AVO ERI 1 SA VASERT
good proportions, good head, excellent ears, good neck, good topline, good angulations, excellent chest, front movement could be better

PN1 Mirembe Don’t Grow Up It’s A Trap NUO ERI 1 SA SERT CACIB VSP
excellent type and construction, excellent head, feminine scull with good wrinkles, good eyes and ears, excellent neck, good topline, excellent angulations and chest, moves well
PN2 Evonty Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me VAL ERI 1 SA VASERT VACA
(Eldorado N Akuaba Don’t Go Breaking My Heart x Evonty Energy Of Sun Light)
good proportions, good head good ears, excellent neck, correct topline, excellent angulations and chest, moves sufficient
PN3 Bubbling Under Ambrosia VET ERI 1 SA VET-SERT CACIB-V ROP-veteraani
good proprotions, good head, sufficient ears, good neck, goof topline, excellent angulaitons and chest, moves well