Tromssa KV, Norja 18.8.2024

Mari Lackman

PU1 Hanishan Choco-Holic’s Daydream VAL ERI 1 SA CACIB VSP C.I.B.*
(Hanishan Bowwow Wow x Hanishan Fun Factory)
3 and a half years olde excellent type and proposions excellent head shape eyes could be litter more darker but calm expresione excellent wriqels good er sett balanced angulated excellent tail set and tail good top line and under line nice aoutstanding and eligance and movement shows well.
PU2 Shahrans Fettuccine Alfredo VAL ERI 2 SA VACA
2 and a half excellent type and proporrsians beutifale head typicale expresione good wrinqles tale set could be a litter bigger balanced and angulated elegance is ok moves well all over.

PN1 Marzan Lady Stardust VAL ERI 1 SA CACIB ROP RYP1
(Kimwitu’s Crispy’N Creamy Cupcake x Hi-Lite Flashdance)
2 and a half years old eligant female right uppstaning nice head and expresione wrinqels ok excellent bodie and proporrisans balanced angulated quite a good tail sett good op line in movment typicale paralel movemens and nice showing.

Kardohill’s Safiya The Bedazzled JUN EH 1
13 months old promesing female a bit flat scull wrinqels are ok excellent bite and ear set eyes could be a litter more darker excellent proporsians a bit open angulated in the front better in the rear tail sett a bit long normal movement moves when she wants needs time and more ring training to show here eligance out


ROP Marzan Lady Stardust
VSP Hanishan Choco-Holic’s Daydream
kuva: Ida Ottemo