Bornholm KV, Tanska 17.8.2024

Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki

PU1 Madesa Top Shot VAL ERI 1 SA CACIB ROP HAHW-24
Very stylish male, correct proportions, beautiful head and expression. Good ears. excellent topline, wellset tail. good ribcage, a bit straight upperarm, excellent rear end. beautiful movement from the side, a bit unsteady in front.
PU2 Wazazi Tempting Fate VAL ERI 2 SA VACA
(Akuaba N Eldorado Time Traveler x Wazazi The Wow Factor)
Beautiful male, excellent proportions, lovely carriage of neck. Beautiful head and expression. Correct cheeks and ears, excellent topline and set of tail. good angulation and ribcage. Moves beautifully from the side, could be more parallel in front. A bit loose wrists
PU3 Orange Pips Codename Kyril VET ERI 1 SA VET-SERT CACIB-V ROP-veteraani HAHVW-24
(Senjisfinx Erebor x Orange Pips African Violet)
Amazing condition for his age, 14 years old. Correct proportions, good bone, well bodied, very nice face and expression, good topline but a bit open tail. Well angulated. Moves and shows better that mand of the younger ondes. Good coat.

Nuorten luokka
Stoneface Dream Of The Past NUO ERI 1
20 months old, nice male, masculine with good proportions, nice head and expression, good ears. Good topline, wellset tail. Very good ribcage, straight upperarm, good angulation behind, moves well from the side , unsettled in the front toeing in.

Avoin luokka
Orange Pips Friday I’m In Love AVO EH 1
(Juma Mongo Asiaczek x Orange Pips Chelsea Bun)
Masculine, could be shorter in the loin. strong head, good ears. Very good topline, but should carry the neck better on the move, a bit open tail. Good ribcage, good angulation behind less in front. A bit loose movement in the front.

Rosone’s Vino Vermentino VAL ERI 1
(Orange Pips Codename Kyril x Rosone’s Retro Regina)
11 years old, in good condition for his age, a bit long in the loin. good bone. Nice head and expresssion. Good topline. wellset tail but slightly open. Good hind angulation. Moves a bit unsettled in front, well from the side, when hem findes the rhytm.

(Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash x Wazazi The One And Only)
Very nice shape, stylish bitch in good condition for her age, very nice head and expression, good neck and topline, wellset tail. balanced angulation, good ribcage. Very good coat, moves well from the side, unsettled in front.

Bubbling Under Ambrosia VET ERI 2
Feminine with good proportions, nice size, good head and expression. A bit wide set ears. A bit soft in topline. The tail is too open and it spoils the picture. good bone. very good ribcage. good hind angulation, good coat. She moves well from the side.

ROP-veteraani Orange Pips Codename Kyril
VSP-veteraani Ajibu Number One
kuva: Sanne Palmbak DeAngelis
VSP Ajibu Number One
kuva: Sanne Palmbak DeAngelis