Pennut, urokset 7-9 kk
Nature’s Masterpiece Rock Me Amadeus PEK 1 KP ROP-pentu
(Nature’s Masterpiece Make It Big x Nature’s Masterpiece Jolly Roger)
7 months, well developed for age. Nearly square. Very nice shape of head, good teeth, nice wrinkling. Hooded ears. If he wants, nice crest. Good ribcage. Well set tail and shelf, well muscled rear, low set hock. For this age already a typical mover.
Bulldobas Golden Monkey PEK 2
(Naslediye Etera Atlas Holding The S x Bulldobas Holy Charity)
7 months, a bit heavy bodied and in total, I wished more elegance. Masculine head, good teeth, eyes could be a fraction darker, good wrinkling, a bit wide set ears. Good ribcage. Well set tail. Good shelf. A bit weak in pasterns, fraction long in loin. Still puppylike movement.
Lombi Mayele Asthenia PEK 3
(Blackstar & Taji Strike Lightening Upon Asthenia E. Taji x Makindu Nzangi To Asthenia)
7 months, developed well for age. Strong masculine head, good teeth, would like more pigment. A bit wide set ears. Nice crest, if he wants to show it. A bit weak topline. Good ribcage, nice shelf. Well muscled rear. In the movement, coming, a bit open, and going, a bit narrow. Nice pliant skin.
Pennut, nartut 5-7 kk
Hanishan ’Scuse Being So Posh’n Neat PEK 1 KP VSP-pentu
(Ajibu Que Rico x Afrikan Laminam Blazing Khaleesi For Hanishan)
5 months, elegant female, good size, nicely shaped head, good teeth. Typical expression. Well used ears. Elegant neck. For age, enough depth of chest. A bit open tail. Well muscled rear. Nice mover from the side, could be stronger coming. Enough shelf and good wrinkles.
Orange Pips Habanero PEK 2
(Antefaa Lukuru Stargazer x Orange Pips Fizzing Whizzbee)
Nearly 7 months, tall size female, a bit long-bodied, very powerful head, good teeth, wide set ears. Strong neck, good ribcage, open tail, well muscled rear, very straight in upper arm, very puppylike movement which can’t be judged.
Orange Pips Hawkeye Mohawk PEK 3
(Antefaa Lukuru Stargazer x Orange Pips Fizzing Whizzbee)
6 months, a bitch from whom the coat is not optimal at all, it’s nearly bald in the neck and very fluffy on the back. Would like a bit more femininity in the head, wide set ears, good teeth, good expression. Straight in upper arm, a bit low set tail. Well muscled rear, would like more shelf. Very puppylike in the movement. Already shows a lot of throat.
Pennut, nartut 7-9 kk
Perrada Unican Yrttitarhan Aarre PEK 1 KP
(Lucky Alien Asterion x Perrada Unican Runokuono)
7 months, elegant female with a strong but still feminine head, good teeth, a bit small eyes, if she wants: hooded ears, good wrinkling, long neck, skin on neck-topline is not fluent, a bit straight in upper arm, good ribcage, well muscled rear, good shelf, active movement, could be a bit stronger coming.
PU1 Ajibu Show Must Go On VAL ERI 1 SA VSP
(Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle x Ajibu Proud Mary)
4 years old, good proportions, strong masculine head, if he wants: Good wrinkling, hooded ears, good teeth, good expression, neck-topline could be more fluent, strong back, correct angulations from the rear, nice shelf, well set hock, typical movement, could be stronger coming.
PU2 Hanishan Choco-Holic’s Daydream KÄY ERI 1 SA ROP-ja BIS1-käyttökoira
(Hanishan Bowwow Wow x Hanishan Fun Factory)
2.5 years old, good size. Very strong masculine head, good teeth, nice expression, perfect wrinkling. Nice crest, a bit straight in upper arm, good ribcage. Shows at the moment a bit overbuild when standing, but does not show it in the movement. Well muscled rear, enough shelf. Active movement.
PU3 Ajibu Love Bites VET ERI 1 SA VET SERT VSP-veteraani
(Jasiri Sukari Win Tin Tin x Ajibu Farm Girl)
10 years, shown in a perfect condition. Typical masculine head in which I would prefer a bit less stop. Good teeth, nice expression, hooded ears, neck-topline could be more fluent, would prefer a more typical topline, enough shelf, a bit straight in upper arm, good depth of chest, for his age, still a lovely mover.
PU4 Hi-Lite Adrenalin Rush VAL ERI 2 SA
(Sternhimmels Roger Vadim x Hi-Lite Rumour Has It)
2 years, good size, good proportions, strong masculine head, good teeth, fitting eye color, hooded ears, crested neck, although neck-topline could be more fluent, a bit straight in upper arm, good ribcage, a bit low set tail, enough shelf, well muscled rear, shows an active movement with good stride.
Nuorten luokka
Hi-Lite Quite Something NUO ERI 1
(Hi-Lite Fame And Fortune x Hi-Lite Because I’m Worth It)
18 months, strong male, good size. Powerful masculine head, good teeth, a bit heavy lips and somewhat throat. Would like more pigment on nose. Good wrinkling, hooded ears, strong neck. Well bodied. A bit dropping off in topline, very nice shelf. Good muscle in rear. From the side, a very typical mover. Could be a bit stronger coming. Due to the pigmentation, no CQ.
Avoin luokka
Ace Of Ksaviya Gordon Freeman AVO EH 1
(Itury Puzzle Bono Vox x Itury Puzzle Ellis Verona)
2 year old male who still needs a lot of ring training and who is very stubborn. Nicely shaped head, enough wrinkling, teeth hard to judge. Nicely crested neck, a bit long in loin for the moment, well muscled rear, from the side, enough stride, coming could be stronger, especially in pasterns. For his behavior today in the ring, very good.
Ajibu Quizz Kid KÄY ERI 2
(Jasiri-Sukari Hr Pup N’stuff x Ajibu Number One)
5 years, rather leggy male. Strong masculine head, scissor bite. Hooded ears, typical expression, just enough wrinkles. Strong neck and topline, would like more depth of chest, good ribcage, well set tail, but a bit open, enough shelf. Shows off movement.
Nature’s Masterpiece Make It Big KÄY EH 3
(All Square Dat Donat Dedicat x Nature’s Masterpiece Happy Hour)
3 years, very strong male in which I would like a bit more elegance, good size, a bit long in body. Strong masculine head which I would prefer to have less stop. Well hooded ears, strong neck, correct angulations front and rear. Well set tail. Nice shelf. Low set hock. Active movement, could be a bit stronger coming.
Wazazi Tempting Fate VAL ERI 3
(Akuaba N Eldorado Time Traveller x Wazazi The Wow Factor)
4 years, good size, lovely shaped noble head with very good wrinkling, good teeth, a bit throat, hooded ears, crested neck, a bit weak in pasterns, well set tail, good shelf, well muscled rear, in the movement I would like a bit less heavy action and a bit more souplesse.
PN1 Ajibu Sweet Thing VAL ERI 1 SA ROP
(Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle x Ajibu Proud Mary)
5 years, very typy female, with nice floating lines, good size, with substance and elegance. Lovely shaped head, beautiful expression. Nice wrinkling, lips could be less heavy, well hooded ears, strong topline, good crest of neck, right angulations in front and rear, good shelf, typical representative of the breed.
PN2 Sternhimmels Unitis Viribus VAL ERI 2 SA
(Sternhimmels Poco Piu Mosso x Faraoland La Vie En Rose)
2,5 years, typy female. Good size, nicely shaped head, scissor bite, eyes could be a fraction darker, nice hooded ears, nice neck and topline, well angulated front and rear, good ribcage, well muscled rear, good shelf, low set hock. Very active movement, a bit narrow from behind.
PN3 Ajibu U Gotta Love It NUO ERI 1 SA SERT
(Jokuba-Aisa’s The Reign Of Freedom x Ajibu Quietly Bonkers)
19 months, good size, good proportions. Feminine head, good teeth, nice expression, would prefer somewhat more wrinkles, hooded ears. Good neck and topline, a bit straight in upper arm. Good curl tail, good shelf. Well muscled rear, low set hock. Active movement in which she could a bit more typical action.
PN4 Ajibu Queenie Wahines Papaya KÄY ERI 1 SA VASERT
(Jasiri-Sukari Hr Pup N’stuff x Ajibu Number One)
5 years, typy female, square built. Lovely shaped head, good teeth, typical expression, hooded ears, would like a bit more wrinkling. Long neck. Strong topline. Well curled tail. Good shelf. A bit straight in upper arm. Shows her very typical and nice movement. A bit open coat.
Ajibu Valentine Girl JUN ERI 1 SA JUN SERT ROP-juniori
(Eldorado N Akuaba Night And Day x Ajibu Sweet Thing)
11 months, good size, square, feminine head, good teeth, fitting eye color, would like more wrinkles, hooded ears, strong neck and topline. A bit straight in upper arm, good tail set and shelf, well muscled rear. From the side, very typical mover, with the right action and a good stride. Pliant skin.
Ajibu Venus In Furs JUN ERI 2
(Eldorado N Akuaba Night And Day x Ajibu Sweet Thing)
11 months, good size and proportions, typical shaped head, good teeth, fitting eye color, hooded ears, nice wrinkles. Strong neck, a bit straight in upper arm, a bit arched in topline and somewhat round in croup, low tail set, just enough shelf. In spite of this, she shows a very typical movement, a bit narrow from behind.
Nuorten luokka
Sweet Rhythms Zakira NUO ERI 2
(Ausar Kupalpan x Feel the Thunder Zakira)
18 months, good size, feminine head, good teeth, good expression, would like more wrinkling. Hooded ears, neck-topline could be more fluent, good ribcage, a bit straight in upper arm, good shelf. Low set hock. From the side, typical mover, a bit narrow from behind.
Hanishan Bumblebee Whoopee NUO EVA
(Hi-Lite Beluga x Hanishan Two Decades ’Til Wowwee-Tri)
19 months, good size, good proportions, lovely shaped head, scissor bite. Typical expression, good wrinkles, hooded ears. Long neck. Typical topline. A bit straight in upper arm. Good ribcage. A bit low set tail. Well muscled rear. Low set hock. Movement cannot be judged because she is limping left front. Would like a bit more pigment on nose.
Avoin luokka
Guiding Star Of Origami Way AVO ERI 1 SA
(Hi-Lite Fame And Fortune x Crystal Javelin Happy History)
19 months, good size, nicely shaped noble head, good teeth, eyes could be a fraction darker, wish more wrinkles, well hooded ears, nicely crested neck, nice topline, fraction long in loin, well set tail, good shelf, equally angulated front and rear. From the side, typical mover, could be stronger coming.
Ajibu That’s My Girl AVO ERI 2
(Jasiri Sukari Juri Maguire x Ajibu Quietly Bonkers)
2 years, substantial female, good proportions. Powerful head, good teeth, fitting eye color, hooded ears, long neck and strong topline, equally angulated front and rear, good depth of chest and ribcage, a bit low set tail, well muscled rear. Active movement, rather single-tracked coming and going.
Ace Of Ksaviya Glarifa Virgo AVO EH 3
(Itury Puzzle Bono Vox x Itury Puzzle Ellis Verona)
3 years, highly elegant female, good size, a bitch who appeals to more in movement than standing. Typical feminine head, good teeth, eyes could be darker, would like to see more wrinkling. Long neck, a bit straight in upper arm, would like more depth of chest, a bit round in croup, therefore, a little low in tail set. Well muscled rear, low set hock. Shows from the side an attractive movement, could be stronger coming. Still needs time to develop.
Ajibu Foolish Heart VET ERI 1 SA VET SERT ROP-veteraani FI VMVA
(SkyHi’s Daredevil x Ajibu Cool Cat)
14,5 years and shown in wonderful condition, the dog has still pleasure in showing herself, which is quite unique for this age. Typically shaped head, still clean teeth. Nice expression, wrinkles have gone have by the age. Hooded ears, stil strong neck and topline. Right angulations in front and rear, a bit open tail. Still shows the necessary souplesse in the movement.
Wazazi The One And Only VET ERI 2 SA
(Wazazi Living On The Edge x Kanibaru Del Diamante)
12 years, shown in perfect condition. Good size, strong, but still feminine head. Still clean teeth. Shows a lot of throat, good wrinkles. Well hooded ears. A bit straight in upper arm, strong topline, a bit low set tail. Just enough shelf. Well muscled rear. In the movement, she does not always show the souplesse I want to see, but still sound.
kennel Ajibu KAS 1 KP ROP-kasvattajaryhmä
(Ajibu You Gotta Love It, Ajibu Love Bites, Ajibu Show Must Go On, Ajibu Sweet Thing)
Lovely breeder’s group, with lots of type and quality, nice expressions, it’s good that you can see who are the males and females, nice movers on the overall. Congratuations to the breeder!